Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Super size me

Do you know how many Americans have be obese(BMI over 30%)? According to the internet, it's horrible, 31%. Of course, this rate is the worst in advanced countries. Compared with this, Japanese obesity rate is only 3%.
And this rate is the best in advanced countries. This time, I tried to think about this background.

In my opinion, first of all, quantity is the biggest problem. For example, in supermarkets like Ralphs and Costco, every food products are too big: ice cream, milk and meat. Besides, there is a bad service that for example, if you buy two, you can get one more for free and shopping cart is too big.

Second, there are a lot of all you can eat restaurants. Unfortunately, usually, they are cheaper than normal one. Most of fast food chain restaurant such as McDonalds also gives free refill drink service, but not in Japan.

Third, I think American people especially in LA don't walk in their daily life and they often do something with eating, even if they are in the meeting.
They eat bagels and donuts. I wonder American people like eating a lot, but at the same time, they are also healthy oriented things: for instance, healthy food and exercise like Billy's boot camp, etc. It's difficult for me to understand.

In 2002, there was an interesting justice in the U.S. The point of the argument was that "My daughter got fat because of McDonalds."
After all, McDonalds won the suit, but after receiving it, one interesting guy made a documentary movie in 2004. The title is "Super size me"
The director's name is Morgan Spurlock. He not only directed, but also played in the movie. The story was that if I keep eating every food in McDonalds through one month, what would happen? He finally got sick, but when one Japanese guy tried the same experiment in Tokyo. It didn't happen at all in his health. And I think keeping same foods for one month is too bad for health even for healthy food.


In addition, in Southern California City council is trying to make the new law that it's not allowed to open new fast food restaurant in Southern California during one year(2009). I think it's so ridiculous, but over 70% restaurants in CA are fast food type. I think it's too many.


In my opinion, taking too many calories is not good for one's health in the view of medical science after all. Especially for children, I agree parents should pay attention foods that children eat every day. Taking a well balanced diet is very important.

In Japan, many people believe being fat is not good for health and the determined power that you should not be fat works very well.

However, I think it's difficult to change their mind in the U.S. At the same time, I think Japanese people must experience the same situation, because fast food restaurant are increasing so fast. Besides, recently, it's booming big size hamburger such as Mega-Mac and quarter pounder by McDonalds.

I hope it will not it, but no one can stop happen it.

Written in Feb 2009 revised May 2012

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