Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Japanese Vending machine

As for Japanese vending machine, people can buy everything we imagine that not only beverages, but also foods such as oden and banana, and others such as umbrella and underwear.  Also, there are some vending machine that sell adult only items such as tobacco, alcohol and porn magazine since my childhood.

It's  vending machine paradise in Japan and I'd like to describe about good and bad of vending machine this time.

Please take a look this video first.

First, the data of Japanese vending machine that is introduced in the video is that  1 vending machine for every 23 people, 7 trillion yen (7 million dollars) in sales yearly (5 trillion yen in 2012), over 5 million vending machine nationwide, 1,400,000 yen per machine annually(About $15,000), electricity bill per month 4,300 yen. I thought it wasn't  a bad business when I saw this data. 

After increasing vending machines in Japan, it's said that the vending machine is helpful in the case of disaster as stock drinks and illuminated function is good for crime-prevention and then, it's expected that the role of contribution to society as public facilities. 

As I described, the vending machine makes a profit and helps to contribution to society, but it's not popular in the U.S. We have chance to see them only in cafeterias in school. Why? It's no way to set it up outdoors. If so, someone will take it, rather than money  stolen. The reason why there are so many vending machines outdoors  in Japan is that Japan is safer and cleaner. I understand that American people said that we can get drinks at convenience stores and gas stations. Also, having fewer  pedestrians is another reason especially in LA.

Meanwhile, there are not only good side but also some bad side in Japan. These issues have been there from long time ago, but energy and landscape are still big issues.

After the earthquake disaster, The word of "saving energy" became the hot topic in Japan and then, new style vending machine such as led illuminated type and automatic stop heating and cooling function during unnecessary time was created. Also, hi-tech version which has fuel cell for saving more energy is developing now. these quick action is only possible with Japanese people. These technology will improve soon like car industry situation. 

As for landscape issue, the thought that refrain from using vivid color and fit to the environment is getting familiar. I agree with this movement, but on the other hand, it contradicts the original thought of increasing more distinctive looking and sales more.

However, I think that the thought of "more sales" is  no longer difficult to get socially acceptance, because there are tons of vending machines already and has became public facilities. There is no choice to set some guideline to control about vending machines.

I think vending machine suppliers should make new value of vending machine not only the direction of "hide from environment" such as using same color with the surrounding buildings and making bump shape to avoid from stick out from a building.

For instance, making new style which almost looks like art and producing the oasis including surrounding environment in a city area not only designing a vending machine itself. I think it's about time to change the old concept of easy to put, easy to earn money and easy to get drinks 7 days and 24 hours.

As I introduce the video in this article, many American people think that Japanese vending machine is high-tech and cool. However I hope vending machine suppliers will produce the new value vending machine, not the direction of convenience such as buying by mobile phone and full TFT touch control monitor type and not accept American people's kind offers.

Written in Oct 10 2013

 Japanese Vending machine













Saturday, September 21, 2013

Amazing Japanese Snack Food

Japanese sweets
I have an acute feeling through my experience living in abroad that how nice Japanese snacks and sweets are. There is no wonder that it's delicious. In addition, it has wide variety of selections and attractive package designs that American snacks have no chance against. 

In LA, I can buy Japanese snacks in Japanese super markets, but they are too expensive and I can't get any delicious Japanese sweets that we can buy in convenience stores in Japan. Also, there are some Japanese snack packs in Amazon.com and some Japanese snack lovers order it, but it's bit expensive because, these are imported from Japan, so comments show "It's delicious, but too expensive" 


American snack
 As for American snacks situation, simply put, it's boring.
It's huge and cheap. For instance, there are a lot of potato chips in super markets distributed by a lot of makers that I feel it's too much!! However, these chips have really similar flavor. Sour cream, BBQ, Cheddar cheese,,, That's it!! These flavors are easy and strong, then I will get tired of eating.     


In Japan, there are more wide variety products and they release new flavors like every month. However, American companies make same product and produce in large volume to sell with cheaper price. So, I never have fun in super markets in the U.S.

Actually, if I give Japanese snack to American friends, most of them say "Wow delicious!! " and looks happy. Also, if you search the words" Japanese snack" on the internet, you can find the web site that some American bloggers are reviewing Japanese snack.

Review site
Then, I was wondering why Japanese snack makers don't accelerate overseas expansion. I never seen any Japanese snacks in supermarkets in the U.S. If they start a local production, they don't have any reason to lose in flavor, texture, wide selection and package design compared to American snacks.
According to the internet, Japanese snack companies used to be inactive about oversea business compared to car and electric companies. However, more companies are accelerating oversea business to Asia and North America recently.


Especially, Calbee is making effort to achieve ten times the oversea sales. Calbee started to sell their product called "Kappaebisen" in 1970, but the sales scale was really small and they didn't focus on oversea business too much. However, they started to provide their product "Jagabee" to Pepsico and they started to sell the snack "Ruffles Crispy Fries" from last September. The price is cheap only $1.09 and sales is really good so far. The sales result of their oversea business is amazing 63% up in North America, 139% up in China, and 59% up in Korea compared to last year.

Calbee new product
 Without realizing, Japanese snack makers have been fighting in the small Japanese market for long time and then they became the top runner who can make the top class quality of snacks. I'd like to ask them to do more oversea business, but I have one request for them. Please do not survey to know local customers too much and keep their original flavor that they believe the best flavor and the best quality. Please do not release a cheddar cheese flavor because of market research result.

Written in Sep 19

 Amazing Japanese Snack Food 日本語版





特にカルビーが海外売上高10倍を目指して頑張っています。カルビーは1970年に米国で、「かっぱえびせん」を発売しましたが、規 模は小さく、あまり力を入れてこなかったそうです。しかし、昨年9月に カルビーの米国の工場で生産したじゃがビーをペプシコという現地のお菓子メーカーに供給して「ラッフルズ・クリスピー・フライズ」というブランドで今年5月から販売を開始したそうです。
価格 は1.09ドル(約110円)と手頃で、出だしは好調のようです。カルビーの2013年4~6月期の海外での売上高は、前年同期比で、北米が 63%増、中国が139%増、韓国が59%増とどの地域もうなぎ登りで伸びています。


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Why did Detroit fail?

The city of Detroit finally filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy on July 18th.
It's the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in the U.S. history in debt and estimated to be approximately 20 billion dollars.

One of the things I found interesting other than failure itself was that Michigan state government didn't support to help. They thought it's impossible to reconstruct and it's about time to repudiate their debt.

Speaking of Detroit, it's known for the home of the big three and died out with the advent of the Japanese car companies.

When I visited Detroit for researching Detroit motor show few years ago, I had a chance to drive around the city.  I saw only ruined factories and houses and I couldn't find the reason to live there. This atmosphere can't be compared to Yubari city in Hokkaido that failed in the same way before.

It's said that the direct reason for their failure is the decrease in tax revenues from outflow of population and the relative increase of the welfare program burden for the staff of city retired employees rather than the slumping car industry. 

Once the population outflow begins, tax revenues decreased. In addition, if they reduce police officers for cost down, it cause a deterioration in public security. Actually, as for the number of police officers seemed to reduce 40% in a decade.

Detroit became one of the highest crime rate city in the U.S now that police response time is over 5 times than the average national response. In this way, Detroit is dogged with tons of ruined buildings and high crime rate city completely.

It reminds me of the image of the movie "Robocop" in 1987.The film was set on Detroit city in 2010 and the auto industry decline and  Robocop was released by private company because of city financial issue. It's not wrong in some ways.

Furthermore, the financial issue cause reducing the budget for school. If so, the education level must go down. Then, an outflow of the population accelerates more and more. It's a completely  negative spiral situation. 

The population of Detroit city counted 1,850,000 in 1950, however it decreased to about 700,000 recently.

Next, it's said that the true root of the failure was that the welfare program burden for the staff of city retired employees called legacy cost.
Compared to Japanese pension system, it's protecting them too much.

For example, if the staff of Detroit City works 40 years and retires, as based on his/her highest income for three years through his/her experience called AFC, Detroit city seems to pay 77% of AFC +$120. Besides, this is paid as an extra based on the allowance of the social security(welfare annuity) . It means that there is a possibility to get much more income than their income when they were on the active if they add it up. 

By the way, the expense of the legacy cost seems to account for 38% of whole annual expenditure of the city. The tax rises with it almost every year. This situation is unbelievable, one active employee supports five retired employees'  pension and the medical insurance fee.

As for the high crime rate, lots of ruins and bad atmosphere, tax is high and low education level make people not want to live there.

The population surely decreased, but people don't disappear from Detroit and a lot of people are still working in there. To say more exactly, people just flowed out suburban areas outside of Detroit to live better. Actually, a lot of upper-class residences are developed for white-colors and people who from Japan in the auto industry. As a result, the population in the suburbs of Detroit and the population continues to increase.

So, do you think that Detroit already died? I don't think so. I think Detroit still has a power as a big city.  I believe if they will invite other industries and make a new image, Detroit will come back in the future.

As for coming back, the city of Pittsburgh used to be known for iron-city, but it filed by getting low demand once before. However, Pittsburgh invested education, medical research and computer science. Then it became the city which filled with vitality afterwards.

There is the word rise and down(Eikoseisui), but Detroit became according to this word.
In Japan, personal expenses rise up and then deindustrialization happens. Also, getting an aging society causes the increase of young generation's pension burden.
Japanese people need to find a new working style and new industry that fit new society not to be second Detroit.

Written in Aug 29  




















Friday, August 2, 2013

Japanese people are not shy

One of the typical image of Japanese people is they are shy. I know the reason why are Japanese people seem to be like that. However, it's not true and Japanese people are not shy at all.

As for the reasons why many people think that Japanese people are shy, Japanese people don't express their opinion, they stay in their shell in trains with listening music and operating their mobile phone without communication to others. With these their behavior make foreigner think Japanese people are shy. In addition, there is the opinion that male characters in Japanese manga that are popular in the U.S recently are too much herbivorous and it makes U.S readers annoyed.

Meanwhile, American people say their opinion clearly, because people who don't say their opinion have no talent. Also, people who sit next to me in a bus or an air plane and a cashier at a supermarket chat with me casually.  Of course, American people are also aggressive in romance.

So, why I said that Japanese people are not shy?  To tell the truth, those Japanese behaviors are based on other philosophies, not because of shyness.

As Japanese people may know, there is the culture called "Enryo" ( consideration in English) in Japan and Japanese people tend to decline to express their opinion between others. It's an implicit assumption to decline to express their opinion especially to their bosses and elders. That's why even they don't agree with their boss's opinion, they try not to say anything in their meeting. Unfortunately, these kind of actions make American people think that Japanese people don't have their opinion and they don't say their opinion clearly.

Next, it's also common in Japan, but Japanese people divide people into "Uchi"(inside) and "Soto" (outside) clearly. They become close with their friends and family  members, but they tend to make a wall between others and hide themselves.  So, Japanese people never chat with strangers in a train. Meanwhile, there are some opinions from people who live in Japan for a longtime that "Once you make friend with Japanese people, they are really friendly"

Finally, the culture of Haji(shame) is important factor of Japanese people's behaviors. Japanese people feel shame when they are subjected to ridicule in front of people. I saw some Japanese students in English school who didn't speak, because they are afraid of making mistakes. However, it's not good idea to improve English. In addition, they also feel shame even when they get praised in front of people. By the way, American people don't care about making mistakes, because challenging is much important. Of course, if they get praise, it means being a hero! So, they can't understand why Japanese people feel shame.

With these things "Enryo(consideration)" "Uchi and Soto(Inside /outside)" "Haji(shame)" would make Japanese people's character introverted and modest. Then, many people think that Japanese people are shy and poor at asserting themselves. I think these things are difficult to understand for American people.

personally, I like the American people's open mind character such as chatting with strangers casually, but at the same time, I also like Japanese people's polite and considerations to others. Unfortunately, no one realize about Japanese people's original culture and people think that Japanese people are shy. Japanese government should introduce these kind of Japanese characters.

One good news that I'd like to introduce is one women fell down from a platform and she got stuck between the platform and the train at the station in Tokyo and other passengers corporate by pushing the train to make  space. This news spread all over the world. Yes, Japanese people can act of one mind at a critical moment. As for Japanese people who live in America like me, it would be happy to hear these kind of good Japanese behavior being introduced.

Written in Jul 31










