Friday, June 29, 2012

Excellent Asian immigrants in the U.S

According to CNN, Pew Research Center released on Jun 19th that Asians have taken over Hispanics as the largest group of new immigrants to the U.S.
According to this result, in 2010, 36 percent of new immigrants to America were Asians, compared to 31 percent who were Hispanic. A decade ago, those numbers were 19 percent Asians and 59 percent Hispanics.

Research also said that Asians have the satisfaction of their life, their income and direction of the country compared to other groups.

As for the ratio of university graduates, Asians are 61 percent and others 30 percent. It's approximately two times. 
According to the U.S Census Bureau, the definition of Asian includes the main six countries of China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam and Indian.
Also, as for the level of income and education, Indian-American is the top. 70 percent of over 25 years old Indian-American people are university graduates. Meanwhile, Korean, Chinese, Filipino and Japanese-Americans are 50 percent.

In addition, Asian American's annual household income average is $66,000 and it surpasses the average of general annual income of $49,800.

Generally speaking, Asians are known for hard work and 69 percent of them have conception of working hard and high ethical standard compared to 58 percent Americans. 93 percent of Asians also think proud of people who live in their home country as they work so hard. 

Historically, Asian immigrants used to be very poor, because they were uneducated and unskilled. So, they were subject to discrimination and prejudice.
However, these situation changed dramatically compared to 100 years ago.

People who live in luxury houses are not only white but also Indian-American and Chinese-Americans in the area where I live. Their children also make excellent grades in school. That means parents of Asian immigrants have a fervor for education.

As I explained, now in America, Asian immigrants are expanding and succeed in business and getting wealthy. Unfortunately, Japanese-American is not in this center of the circle.

So, do people other than Asian Americans have a poor grade, not-hard working and low income? The answer is completely No.
Of course, as compared to the average, the result is right, but there are super excellent people in America. Actually, these superman pull politics and economy of America. In contrast, I think that Asian immigrants are likely diligent and excellent on average, but there is no superman.

In the future, Japan will have to accept a lot of immigrants from other countries as the reduced birthrate goes on. In addition, these immigrants' children and grandchildren might control Japanese politics and economy after 100 years.
I hope Japanese people succeed our diligent and polite culture so that everyone will not say that Japanese people are sloth.

Data source

Written in Jun 28 and revised Jun 29

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