Friday, December 2, 2011

Conservative America?

Through my job-product designer, I sometimes feel that American people are basically conservative about their preference.
They prefer classy and conventional design to modern and cutting edge design  through my personal feeling.

In 2008, Nissan released the new Fairlady 240Z, but the styling is completely new not heritage design.
Car designer explained " I considered the original especially the proportion "
but I think no one realizes about their concept in the U.S.
Contrastively, New Ford Mustang Elenore followed the original design as much as possible.

Also, the original Ford Mustang is really popular in the U.S.
There are a lot of special restore shops and a lot of celebrities own this. Everybody is eager to get it.
Yes, in the U.S, owning Mustang means an outstanding thing than owning the latest Ferrari.

American people also like classy style about architecture and interior design.
General personal house design is basically the same compared to the 1950's.
The furniture design, material and color are also classy and conservative.
Surprisingly, some of household electrical stuff are not up to date such as washing machines and refrigerators.

Additionally, in 2009 Tropicana changed their package design confidently.
They tried to appeal customers about their freshness.
However, most of all consumers rejected this new package design because it changed too much.

Just after two month, Tropicana decided to go back to their original design.
In Japan, it's really common to change their package design in a short term.

So, I feel it is not essential for them to demand the latest design in their life.
I'm not sure about Gen-Y situation, but over Gen-X think so at least.
Before I came here in LA, I have thought that American people have a more innovative thinking in their life.

As you know, Japanese people tend to seek the latest in their purchasing.
They scrap old houses and built new one not renovating.
They demand the new and fresh image for car design and they also require the up to date electrical stuff such as the navigation system.
Some young people started the way of renovated thinking, but generally speaking, Japanese people demand the latest.

I think the reason is that most of American people like their good days.
They envy their parent's wealthy life.
Also, American people tend to not to go abroad compared to other advanced countries people.
So they don't have the chance to know the other different culture.
Finally, they are not interested in the trend.

Meanwhile, Japanese people have been improving their quality of life.
They used to envy the American rich and comfortable life.
So, Japanese people throw away everything when they buy something new.

Personally, I like the high balanced life that is mixed old and new like the British design.
Fortunately, some of designers realized and created something which has both taste.
I will do the same thing through my job.

Revised Nov18 2011

1 comment:

naomi said...

Yes, they are.
American still prefer classic Coke.
For me, sometimes an American's conservatism is too conservative.