Monday, March 4, 2013

IKUMEN situation in Japan and the U.S 

IKUMEN-fathers who take part in child care are increasing in Japan, but American fathers participate much more. Many American fathers participate in their children's school events even they are held in weekdays and it's a common thing that they have dinner with their family. In addition, there is an atmosphere that we are allowed to do this in the U.S.  
According to the internet, it's under one hour that Japanese fathers take part in child care and house work in one day. In contrast, it reaches three hours in the U.S and Sweden. Also, Japanese situation is the worst in the advanced countries. Meanwhile, the total time of house work and child care that are covered by Japanese women are longer than other advanced countries. So, in Japan, women still have to bear the burden in house work and child care.

Why can American fathers take part in child care three times longer than Japanese fathers?

First, as you may know, the biggest reason is the difference of the labor environment such as over work and social drink. In Japan, 43% of the people do extra work over 50 hours per week. In contrast, American people do only 17%. In this way, the labor environment in the U.S is better than Japan.
I think it's influenced by the existence of the Christian faith. In Christian thought, family ties is very important and it's not good to sacrifice family to work overtime and to do other things. So, many American people think spending time with family is the best priority than spending time for overtime work and social drinking.
There is nothing in the U.S that people can't go home until their boss leaves, drinking with their boss as a social communication and working until mid night everyday like in Japan.
Also, the thought of "work balance" that is focused on the balance of work and private time appeared in the 90's. As the result, flextime rule started and then, the labor condition that people can control the balance of work and private had been getting better.

The thinking of sexual division of labor such as men work outside and women do       housework still remain in Japan. From Japanese men's point of view, they think that "how can I get enough time to take part in child care and to spend time with my family? " It's not true that they don't want to take part in child care. The tough situation in terms of time and mental atmosphere makes them suffer.
Many mothers think that my husband doesn't take part in child care, but it's not his fault. The bad labor environment and society makes him unable to join.

Sharing child care by father gives mothers room to relax physically, time and mentally. It's true and in this regard, Japanese society where father is tied long time in office is really unhappy. In this situation fathers can't meet their children because of getting home late in week days. it's easy to understand that mothers who are in charge of child care with 24 hours a day become child care stress. Also, mothers tend to stand alone because of no help in the nuclear family society.

Japanese fathers say "I work overtime for my family" but once I saw the American way, I think it would be happier that fathers do NOT work overtime for family.

Japanese farmer couples used to share their all works like agricultural work and child care. So, the word "IKUMEN" is not a new trend in Japan. It used to be a common thing in old days.

In account of the modernization, the thought of "men work outside and women do house work" made root in Japanese society, but it's about time to rethink our style using American way and old Japanese life style as a reference isn't it?

Written in Feb 2013



インターネットで調べると日本では、子どもがいる世帯の夫が家事や育児にかける時間は、1日平均で1時間にも満たない。アメリカやスウェーデン、ドイツでは3時間に達しており、 他の先進国と比較して日本は最低の水準にあるそうです。一方、女性の家事・育児時間は、他の先進国よりも長く、まだまだ家事・育児の負担は女性に集中している状況にあるといえ ます。


まずご存知の通り、残業や付き合いなどの労 働環境の違いが大きな要因です。日本では週に50時間以上働いている男性の割合は43%にもなります。これに対し、ア メリカでは50時間以上働く男性は17%に過ぎません。
なのでアメリカでは勤務時間以外は職場の同僚や仕事上の付き合いよりも、家族と共に過ごすことが大切と考えます。日本ではおなじ みの、上司が帰るまで帰れないとか、付き合いで飲みに行くとか、残業で毎日のように深夜に帰宅するとかいう話は、アメリカではほとんど聞くことはありませ ん。

父親が育児をシェアすることによって、母親に肉体的・時間的・精神的ゆとりが生まれます。これは事実です。この観点から見ると、父親が仕事に長 時間拘束される日本社会は本当に不幸です。父親の帰宅が遅いために、平日は父親と子供が顔を合わせることがないのも当たり前、といった状況の中では、24 時間365日、休みのない子育てを一手に背負う母親が育児ストレスに陥るのも当然です。核家族が当たり前の社会では助ける人も少なく母親は孤立します。



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