Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How kids become happy adult


I found one interesting article on the other day. The title of this article is 32-Year Study Shows How Geeky Kids Become Happy Adults.

This article  published in the journal of Happiness Studio magazine described what kind of process is important for kids to become happy adult. According to the research, the strongest factor that has an influence on becoming happy adult was the connectivity to  society in their early life. It stands at 5 times higher  level compared to the level of academic record. The majority of this social connectivity is affected by the relationship with parents. The more the relationship with parents is good, the possibility of becoming a happy adult increases.

In addition, this article also said that how much kids love their school and whether they have best friends to consult or not are as important as the good relationship with parents.

As parents point of view, if parents want to bring raise their children to be happy adults in the future, it's more important to communicate with their children well and to support them to go to school with delight than to make them have good grades and have them enter good companies.

"Bullying" which is becoming a hot topic in Japan recently is out of question.

Meanwhile, when  I researched about early education, early education makes kids' IQ higher which leads to the success of their future life. So, early education is still popular among parents who aim at giving their children special education.

In America, talented children are called as "gifted" and there are a lot of special program to produce excellent children such as grade skipping. 
I understand that it is necessary to live in the competitive world and I don't deny for children to go to good school to get a successful life in the future. However, if it is too much, the relationship between parents will get worse and it would cause the lacking of friends. it is a completely adverse effect isn't it?  There is nothing more unfortunate than that even people entering a good school and a good company, but they aren't feel happy.

I think the best way is giving an appropriate education and experience at an appropriate time, not giving too much pressure that might causes a dysfunctional relationship between parents and children and  disturbing a mental balance.

As the result, it can be based of happiness that people have a good relationship to society, a good relationship between parents and children, good friends whom people can talk to and a comfortable place where they can stay.
If you have these, it's not a big deal whether people are good at studies and whether people are good at sports.
However, even though people do understand it, it's difficult to put into action.

Written in Oct 2012



これはJournal of Happiness Studies誌に掲載された論文で子供が幸福な成人になるにはどんなプロセスが大切か述べられています。論文によると成人してからの幸福度に最も結びついている要素は若年期における「社会とのつながり」でした。これは学業成績の因子にくらべ約5倍も高い数値だそうです。またこの社会的愛着の大部分を占めるのは両親との関係でこれが良好であればあるほど幸福度の高い成人になる可能性が上昇するそうな。また十代の若者にとってこれと同じくらい重要な事が彼らが学校が好きであるという事や相談出来る仲間がいるかどうかという事が大事にになってくると締めくくられています。

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