Friday, October 26, 2012

What is a professional ?

I watched the movie "Jiro Dream of Sushi" on DVD lately. I learned what is a professional for the first time for a long while. This movie is a documentary movie directed by American director David Grelb.  This movie is focused on Jiro Ono and his son's longstanding insistence on sushi. He runs sushi restaurant Sukiyabashi Jiro in Tokyo which is awarded a prestigious three-star Michelin Guide rating for five years consecutivly. 

There are tons of luxury sushi restaurants in Tokyo and these restaurants not only have high quality sushi, but also good interior and amazing hospitality.  I wonder how JIro got the three-star award even though his restaurant is tiny with only ten seats, no-restroom inside, serving only sushi and unfriendly attitude compared to these other competitors. Does his sushi have a remarkable taste? My interest is only this point.

I've never been there, but I think through this movie, the main reason is not only sushi taste itself, but also his amazing persistence  for preparation process "Shikomi" to get high quality sushi item and also his challenging spirit is another reason which never stops even though he is eighty-six years old.

It's no wonder that sushi chef insistence on sushi stuff(neta), but his persistence  for preparation is also amazing. He roasts the best see weed by high quality bincho charcoal every day and he mixes many kind of high quality rice and cooks them separately for each customer. In addition, he puts his glove when he goes out to protect his hands. As you can see, there are a lot of JIro's amazing persistence  for preparation than you could count. So, these incredible insistence with uncompromising stance makes his sushi amazing.

In addition, his inquiring mind is not ordinary that he is thinking how to make his sushi better all the time and he tries so many times. He was sent out to an apprenticeship to local fancy Japanese-style restaurant when he was seven and he has been standing at kitchen about eighty years and he is now eighty six. However, he still tries to improve himself. It's not easy to follow his style isn't it? His succeeding son Yoshikazu respects him and tries to be his father's assistant in their restaurant. In other words, he is true professional guy who we can't find in present Japan.

Now, Japanese society needs a person who has amazing persistence and passion to improve like him, don't we?
He gives young people candid advice like "young people seems to look for a job that fits to them and look for a job that they can express their individuality. However, it's not good way of thinking. The original meaning is that people should adjust to a job"

I feel  his karma as professional sushi-chef from his words that I don't think I'm perfect even though I'm eighty six.

I believe that this movie is good and easy to understand for young people. So, I hope this movie will be released in Japan. I recommend to watch it if you have a chance.

Written in Oct 24



最近DVDで「Jiro Dream of Sushi」という映画をみた。久々にプロフェッショナルとは何かという事を学びました。この映画はミシュラン日本版で3年連続3つ星を獲得した鮨店「すきやばし次郎」の店主、小野次郎さんと後を継ぐ息子さんたちの寿司に対するこだわりに焦点を当てたアメリカ人監督のDavid Grelbが製作したインタビュー中心のドキュメンタリー映画である。









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