American people don't save money, but Japanese people like to save money. It's a common thing and it's completely true through my four years experience in the U.S. Even though Japanese economy is still not good and an aging society causes their average savings to decrease, Japanese people still put their money in the bank or post office regardless of low interest rates instead of fund management.
Meanwhile, American people think completely different from Japanese people in regards to money. It's like there is no such word as "Saving" in the U.S.
They spend all their salary before the next pay day comes. By the way, a lot of states have two pay days in one month, because if it's only one time, they can't pay their rent. What lack of financial planning they have. Also, when they dry up their money, they use credit card as well. Then, their monthly payment is a minimum payment and it's a common life style in average U.S family that they try to balance a budget somehow at the end of the year. It's like "Enjoy now, pay later" isn't it?.
In Japan, it's also common that parents save money by putting up with their allowance and hobby for their future kids' education expense. However, in the U.S, they seems to think it's important to show their filling life to their children. Actually, it's rare that parents pay their children's college tuition in the U.S. Most of all students use college loan system and many parents think paying themselves make them study more harder.
In addition, many American people think it would be better to do fund management themselves instead of saving. They buy a stock, a house or a second home with a loan and then after they retire, they sell them to have a filling life. Investing in a stock and real estate means the same as saving money, so they don't save money. I think this style fits to American people compared to Japanese style like saving money with low interest and then the bank turn over this and make money.
Also, one more thing that I felt through my life in America is that American society is good at encouraging to spend money, such as big trip during vacation time, tons of parties and events in the weekend. If they spend money on dare from these attractive things, they must be in the red. I don't know whether they think it will work out and if it's impossible, they can file for a bankruptcy.
Sure enough, many people life for credit-card bankruptcy. I think it's the credit-card company's fault, too because they give credit card easily. However both of them seem to not think deeply for the future.
I personally think weird about the American money culture that encourages to spend money. I'm Japanese, so I'm worried if I don't have any savings and I don't want to spend money with getting into debt.
Looking at economy point of view, American style is better, but I think it's bad balance and once economy goes down like subprime loan crisis coming, it would crush suddenly.
As for Japanese people, even if Japanese government announce that the economy is getting better, they don't loosen their purse strings easily. Japanese people are good at saving money for their future, spending their money only what they need now and adjusting based on economy situation.
I think American people might learn Japanese way to save money and how to spend money.
However, I realize myself that I was a ready influenced by American style that spending money without deep thinking these days. I must save money more.
Written in Dec 2012
貯金より消費 貯金しない国アメリカ
対してアメリカ人お金に対する考え方が全く違います。貯金という言葉はアメリカに存在しないのかと思うくらいです。給与でもらったお金は次の給与日までに は使ってしまう。因みに多くの州ではつきに2回が給与日となっているが、その理由は月一度の給与だと最終的に家賃が払えなくなってしまう人が多いからだそ うだ。なんという計画のなさ。あとお金がなくなったらクレジットカードでやっぱり同じように使う。そして月々の支払いはミニマムペイメント、そして年末に何とか帳尻を合わせるという生活を一般家庭でも当たり前のようにやっているそうです。Enjoy now, pay later という感じなんでしょうかね。
日本だと将来の教育費のために親は小遣いや趣味をかなり我慢し てというのが当たり前の考え方ですが、アメリカではまず親が充実した、いい人生を送っている事を子供に見せるのが、大事とでも考えているようです。実際アメリカでは親が子供の大学の費用を出しているのは珍しいです。学生は奨学金や教育ローンを組んで自分で費用をまかないます。親もそうした方が一生懸命勉強すると考えているようです。