Friday, November 16, 2012

Food safety ~Monsanto's guilty

At the same timing with the presidential voting last week, a referendum on adding labels to genetically-modified food was held in California. Unfortunately, it was rejected with Yes 44.8% and No 55.2%. This topic called "Prop (proposition) 37 became a heated debate before voting and I heard a lot about this conversation in my office. It would be a first historical victory in the U.S, if the indication duty is approved. However, Monsanto company and some biotech firms conducted a big negative campaign. Monsanto spent more than 8 million dollars (approximately 630 million yen) and finally, the opposition group approximately 46 million dollars( approximately 3,650 million yen) in total for this campaign.
Meanwhile, the indication supporters got a donation of 9.2 million dollars (approximately 730 million yen) in total from Mercola Health Resourses and some others group.

As for what this proposition 37 suggests, "the genetically-modified food must display label on the front of products". Different from Japan, like putting the label on the back side, it requires to put the label in the front. Also, it's not allowed to use the phrase "natural" in their packages. For your information, in EU 15 countries, Japan, Russia and China, GM (genetically-modified) label indication has been already forced.

I think this company which conducted this negative campaign called Monsanto Co. is the worst company all over the world.

Monsanto is known for a bad company already in the U.S, but in Japan it's not so famous. According to Wikipedia, Monsanto has 90% shares of the GM seeds, also they develop the GM crops which have resistance from their chemical herbicides called Round-up and sells with their GM seeds as a set product. 
They are also known as a manufacturer of pesticides and the manufacturer of a defoliant used in the Vietnam War. They are one of the world's best scales and growth potential as a biochemical manufacturer.

When selling their GM seed to developed countries, they appeal that their seeds have a resistance from chemical herbicides and increase harvests. 
Even though the pollen which come from the seeds Monsanto developed pollutes the crops of organic farmers, organic farmers are accused by Monsanto as you stole our seeds without permission. Then, in a lot of cases, farmers are driven to go out of business, because of huge legal cost. I think it's worse than Yakuza in Japan.

Some Japanese people would say like " it's such a foreign country's situation. I don't think I need to know, do you?" However, as you may know, I think that Japanese government will join TPP soon. Then, if some organic famers in Japan put the label as "we don't use GM crops" on their product, they must be accused by Monsanto as they inhibit the free competition with American import products. It's completely playing into American government.

On the other hand, the Euro area shows a posture to refuse GM crops unlike Japan, because once they buy GM seeds from Monsanto, they have to buy seeds forever. In other words, their self-sufficient rate of food that equal to their right to live is controlled by America.

In Brazil, even most of citizens were against GM food, it was legalized  forcibly without any democratic process and now Brazil has been completely subject to GM which many people describe it as the Monsanto superpower or GM superpower country.

However, there are some good cases in Canada and Brazil recently that Monsanto. I think it's important to protect organic farmers in the world from Monsanto and protect the right to know and reject GM food which is unclear about its safety, then we should make a sustainable world.

I think using internet power to fight with superpower bad company like the Arab spring and Ajisai(hydrangea) revolution in Japan is the best way. In that sense, I think that even Prop 37 was rejected this time in California and I was so disappointed, it could be a good opportunity that people realize how Monsanto is bad and start doing something to reject GM food in the furture.

I hope this movement will become the superpower by sharing a lot of information to protect our food safety right.

Written in Nov/ 2012

Ref web site


食の安全 ~モンサント社の罪
先週カルフォルニアで大統領選と時を同じにして遺伝子組み換え食品の表示義務の是非を問う住民投票が行われ、賛成44.8%、反対55.2%で残念ながら否決されてしまいました。 Prop(=Proposition 住民投票事項)37」と呼ばれるこの法案については投票前から賛否の論争が白熱していて会社でも話題になっていました。もし表示義務が可決されれば全米初の快挙であったが、モンサント社など大手食品・バ イオ企業が反対キャンペーンを展開。モンサント社はこのキャンペーンに800万ドル(約63000万円)を超える巨額を投じ、反対派は総計4600万ド ル(約365000万円)を費やしたらしいです。
一方、表示賛成派にはMercola Health Resourcesほか団体から総計920万ドル(約73000万円)の寄付があった(2012116日時点)。









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