When I passed the university exam in Tokyo, my parents introduced a dormitory as one of the cost saving lifestyle. However, I said "No" because I couldn't imagine living with a stranger. Then, when I was junior in college, one of my part-time job friend asked me to share my room in few months. As a matter of fact, I didn't want to accept offer, because I was so busy with my job hunt and I didn't want to lose my private space, but I said "OK!" once and for all.
Unfortunately, it didn't take long time to realized my judgment was wrong.
I got stressed out about losing my private time and space.
That's why I can't understand people who want to share a house with strangers.
As for room sharing, originally, it's really familiar in abroad.
Especially, in western countries, most of university students rent one flat or house and share each room to save money.
For instance, if rental fee is $1500, per-captia cost is $500.(in case 3 people)
Also, energy bill is one-third price. Yes, room sharing is so reasonable.
Additionally, there are other advantages in room sharing as well.
As for foreign students, room sharing gives them the chance to communicate with people who have different cultural back ground.
Also, as for woman, it's good for security and relief their loneliness.
And needless to say, when it comes to being sick or being in a disaster,
room-mates can help each other.
However, there are some disadvantage points at the same time.
As you know, human relationship is the biggest issue.
Especially, it tends to cause between people who came from different countries.
For instance, Spanish tend to have a lot of fuss at midnight and Germany guys are tend to strict for cleanliness.(Sorry, that's my general image) Also, if room-mate bring his/her girl/boy friend like every day, it tend to cause a trouble. So, room sharing means losing their private space and time.
Meanwhile, Room sharing is really unpopular in Japan. Most of my university friends lived in their own room, because there are a lot of nice and cheaper apartments for single. And some universities have their own dormitories. It was unpopular over a decade ago, but it's getting popular again, because room is getting nicer and adding new equipments like a high speed internet. Also it has 24h resident inspectors.
So, Japanese students don't need to find their room-mates.
And I think another reason is Japanese mind. As you know, Japanese people
tend to stick together in their closer relationship. However, they never talk with not closer people because of their shy personality Japanese.
In conclusion, I think "room sharing " gives young students the great opportunities to learn about community life and cross-culture.
In case you want to start a room sharing, considering each other is really important.
If you don't do that, your community life is not comfortable.
You shouldn't force your value on your room mates and you should try to understand other's value and cultural back ground.
Written in Aug 2011 and revised April 2012
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