I read an interest article on the internet about pets.
Researchers Randolph Barker at Virginia Commonwealth University said "Bringing your dog to work may ease your stress levels" He divided 76 employees into: those who brought their dogs to work, those who owned dogs but left them home and those who didn't have pets. For one week, the scientists measured levels of the stress.
As a result, the average stress level scores fell about 11% among people who had brought their dogs to work. In fact, I have seen my co-workers bring their pet in our design studio sometime.
As you know, population of pet owner is increasing year by year in both the U.S and Japan. 25 million dogs and cats are owned by Japanese people and this pet population has already surpassed the population of kids under 16 years old.
In the U.S, 160 million dogs and cats are living with their owner.
In contrast, the birthrate is decreasing and it's 1.4 % in Japan.
Why do a lot of people own their pets? It's easy to explain.
There are two big reasons. First one is to relieve their loneliness by the late marriages and aging population.
In response to this booming, a lot of related businesses are increasing and getting popular like a pet hotel. Dog park and cat cafe are popular in Japan.
The second reason is for healing and relieving their daily stress.
In the city area, many people receive a lot of stress and they try to relieve it somehow. However, they don't have enough time to go to the gym to exercise or to have a relaxing time in their house. That's why people think owning pet is the best way to relieving their stress.
Besides, one web site saying about some interesting advantages of owning pets.
1, Pets can improve your mood.
A recent study found that men with AIDS were less likely to suffer from depression if they owned a pet.
2, Pets control blood pressure better than drugs.
Drugs can generally reduce blood pressure, but people who owe pets have lower blood pressure and heart rates than using drags.
3 ,Pets encourage you to get out and exercise.
As you know, dog owners do spend more time walking than non-pet owners, at least if they live in an urban setting.
4, Pets can help with social support
Walking with a dog makes people more approachable and gives people a reason to stop and talk, increases the number of people they meet, give them an opportunity to increase their network of friends, which also has great stress management benefits.
I used to own some cats. So, I understand these reasons.
However, I have one concern at the same time.
If this pet booming continues in the future, birth-rate will decrease and a labor shortage will happened. Then, robots will give care to aged people.
Also, abandoned pets are increasing. In Japan, 271,592 dogs and cats were abandoned and 229,832 euthanize in 2010. People can buy pets easily, but some people abandon them easily.
Pets can relieve our loneliness and stress, but pets can't have a role in our future.
I agree with owning a pet, but I want to say "Don't forget that kids also have a strong healing power and of course, kids relieve your loneliness.
Of course, parents can't abandon their kids easily.
In addition, your kids can live longer than you at least.
So, let's focus on not only owning pets, but also having a kids.
Written in April 5 and revised April 10
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