The city of Detroit finally filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy on July 18th.
It's the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in the U.S. history in debt and estimated to be approximately 20 billion dollars.
One of the things I found interesting other than failure itself was that Michigan state government didn't support to help. They thought it's impossible to reconstruct and it's about time to repudiate their debt.
Speaking of Detroit, it's known for the home of the big three and died out with the advent of the Japanese car companies.
When I visited Detroit for researching Detroit motor show few years ago, I had a chance to drive around the city. I saw only ruined factories and houses and I couldn't find the reason to live there. This atmosphere can't be compared to Yubari city in Hokkaido that failed in the same way before.
It's said that the direct reason for their failure is the decrease in tax revenues from outflow of population and the relative increase of the welfare program burden for the staff of city retired employees rather than the slumping car industry.
Once the population outflow begins, tax revenues decreased. In addition, if they reduce police officers for cost down, it cause a deterioration in public security. Actually, as for the number of police officers seemed to reduce 40% in a decade.
Detroit became one of the highest crime rate city in the U.S now that police response time is over 5 times than the average national response. In this way, Detroit is dogged with tons of ruined buildings and high crime rate city completely.
It reminds me of the image of the movie "Robocop" in 1987.The film was set on Detroit city in 2010 and the auto industry decline and Robocop was released by private company because of city financial issue. It's not wrong in some ways.
Furthermore, the financial issue cause reducing the budget for school. If so, the education level must go down. Then, an outflow of the population accelerates more and more. It's a completely negative spiral situation.
The population of Detroit city counted 1,850,000 in 1950, however it decreased to about 700,000 recently.
Next, it's said that the true root of the failure was that the welfare program burden for the staff of city retired employees called legacy cost.
Compared to Japanese pension system, it's protecting them too much.
For example, if the staff of Detroit City works 40 years and retires, as based on his/her highest income for three years through his/her experience called AFC, Detroit city seems to pay 77% of AFC +$120. Besides, this is paid as an extra based on the allowance of the social security(welfare annuity) . It means that there is a possibility to get much more income than their income when they were on the active if they add it up.
By the way, the expense of the legacy cost seems to account for 38% of whole annual expenditure of the city. The tax rises with it almost every year. This situation is unbelievable, one active employee supports five retired employees' pension and the medical insurance fee.
As for the high crime rate, lots of ruins and bad atmosphere, tax is high and low education level make people not want to live there.
The population surely decreased, but people don't disappear from Detroit and a lot of people are still working in there. To say more exactly, people just flowed out suburban areas outside of Detroit to live better. Actually, a lot of upper-class residences are developed for white-colors and people who from Japan in the auto industry. As a result, the population in the suburbs of Detroit and the population continues to increase.
So, do you think that Detroit already died? I don't think so. I think Detroit still has a power as a big city. I believe if they will invite other industries and make a new image, Detroit will come back in the future.
As for coming back, the city of Pittsburgh used to be known for iron-city, but it filed by getting low demand once before. However, Pittsburgh invested education, medical research and computer science. Then it became the city which filled with vitality afterwards.
There is the word rise and down(Eikoseisui), but Detroit became according to this word.
In Japan, personal expenses rise up and then deindustrialization happens. Also, getting an aging society causes the increase of young generation's pension burden.
Japanese people need to find a new working style and new industry that fit new society not to be second Detroit.
Written in Aug 29
わたしも数年前デトロイトモーターショーで訪れたときに周辺をドライブしたのですが 工場や住宅の廃墟ばかりでとても住む気分にはなれない環境でした。
これは87年の映画「ロボコップ」の世界を思い起こさせます。この映画の舞台は 2010年のデトロイト市、自動車産業が衰退し、市財政が苦しくなって民営化された警察のサイボーグ警官が登場すると言ったものでしたが、かなり当たっていますね。
栄枯盛衰という言葉がありますが、デトロイトはまさにこの言葉の通りになりました。 日本も人件費が高くなり産業の空洞化が起こっていますし、高齢化社会を迎え若者の年金負担も年々増加しています。日本で第二のデトロイトが起こらないようにこれからの時代にふさわしい働き方や産業を模索しないといけませんね。
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