In LA, I can buy Japanese snacks in Japanese super markets, but they are too expensive and I can't get any delicious Japanese sweets that we can buy in convenience stores in Japan. Also, there are some Japanese snack packs in and some Japanese snack lovers order it, but it's bit expensive because, these are imported from Japan, so comments show "It's delicious, but too expensive"
As for American snacks situation, simply put, it's boring.
It's huge and cheap. For instance, there are a lot of potato chips in super markets distributed by a lot of makers that I feel it's too much!! However, these chips have really similar flavor. Sour cream, BBQ, Cheddar cheese,,, That's it!! These flavors are easy and strong, then I will get tired of eating.
In Japan, there are more wide variety products and they release new flavors like every month. However, American companies make same product and produce in large volume to sell with cheaper price. So, I never have fun in super markets in the U.S.
Actually, if I give Japanese snack to American friends, most of them say "Wow delicious!! " and looks happy. Also, if you search the words" Japanese snack" on the internet, you can find the web site that some American bloggers are reviewing Japanese snack.
Then, I was wondering why Japanese snack makers don't accelerate overseas expansion. I never seen any Japanese snacks in supermarkets in the U.S. If they start a local production, they don't have any reason to lose in flavor, texture, wide selection and package design compared to American snacks.
According to the internet, Japanese snack companies used to be inactive about oversea business compared to car and electric companies. However, more companies are accelerating oversea business to Asia and North America recently.
Especially, Calbee is making effort to achieve ten times the oversea sales. Calbee started to sell their product called "Kappaebisen" in 1970, but the sales scale was really small and they didn't focus on oversea business too much. However, they started to provide their product "Jagabee" to Pepsico and they started to sell the snack "Ruffles Crispy Fries" from last September. The price is cheap only $1.09 and sales is really good so far. The sales result of their oversea business is amazing 63% up in North America, 139% up in China, and 59% up in Korea compared to last year.
Without realizing, Japanese snack makers have been fighting in the small Japanese market for long time and then they became the top runner who can make the top class quality of snacks. I'd like to ask them to do more oversea business, but I have one request for them. Please do not survey to know local customers too much and keep their original flavor that they believe the best flavor and the best quality. Please do not release a cheddar cheese flavor because of market research result.
Written in Sep 19
Amazing Japanese Snack Food 日本語版
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American snack |
It's huge and cheap. For instance, there are a lot of potato chips in super markets distributed by a lot of makers that I feel it's too much!! However, these chips have really similar flavor. Sour cream, BBQ, Cheddar cheese,,, That's it!! These flavors are easy and strong, then I will get tired of eating.
In Japan, there are more wide variety products and they release new flavors like every month. However, American companies make same product and produce in large volume to sell with cheaper price. So, I never have fun in super markets in the U.S.
Actually, if I give Japanese snack to American friends, most of them say "Wow delicious!! " and looks happy. Also, if you search the words" Japanese snack" on the internet, you can find the web site that some American bloggers are reviewing Japanese snack.
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Review site |
According to the internet, Japanese snack companies used to be inactive about oversea business compared to car and electric companies. However, more companies are accelerating oversea business to Asia and North America recently.
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Calbee new product |
Written in Sep 19
Amazing Japanese Snack Food 日本語版
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日本のコンビニスィーツ |
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アメリカのスーパー |
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レビューサイト |
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カルビーの新製品 |
特にカルビーが海外売上高10倍を目指して頑張っています。カルビーは1970年に米国で、「かっぱえびせん」を発売しましたが、規 模は小さく、あまり力を入れてこなかったそうです。しかし、昨年9月に カルビーの米国の工場で生産したじゃがビーをペプシコという現地のお菓子メーカーに供給して「ラッフルズ・クリスピー・フライズ」というブランドで今年5月から販売を開始したそうです。
価格 は1.09ドル(約110円)と手頃で、出だしは好調のようです。カルビーの2013年4~6月期の海外での売上高は、前年同期比で、北米が 63%増、中国が139%増、韓国が59%増とどの地域もうなぎ登りで伸びています。