Google's "Google Chrome global campaign" CM started on the air from 16th Dec last year. Google chose one Japanese artist and surprisingly, she is not human. Her name is "Hatsune Miku" who is known for a famous virtual idol and it became a popular news as first virtual idol for Google CM which uses only famous artists like Lady Gaga.
Hatsune Miku is the name of the software to sing a song by voice synthesis system "VOCALOIDO2" which was developed by YAMAHA and also, Hatsune Miku is the name of the virtual idol singer who sings the song made by this software.
It's still a fresh memory that Toyota used her for their advertising in the U.S and she seems to come first in the singer vote of the London Olympic game in 2016. What's more, her song "Tell Your World" which is used in "Google Chrome " CM was distributed on iTunes store to record number of 217 countries as a Japanese artist from 25th Jan. It has dominated the sales chart first place in Japan iTunes store which launched initial sales already.
I downloaded this song and listened to it. Also, I listened to her other songs on Youtube. I think her songs have really impressive melody and is easy to sing, but it's not enough level as real human voice.
Simply put, it sounds like a mechanical voice. However a lot of enthusiast tried to improve her skill and then she is improving her singing skill day by day.
In addition, there are already tens of thousands of her original songs on the internet and it's not only a pop music but also Rock, Jazz, R&B, and Metal music.
Besides, hundreds of her original song are made by about ten thousands of people every day!! She is super idol who never sleep, gets a sick, has scandals, says complains, ages, and is always improving.
Meanwhile, her concert has been conducted by using three dimensional laser holography 2 years ago in Japan and it became popular. Last year, she performed her first concert abroad in LA and she was welcomed there.
So, what is the reason why Hatsune Miku was accepted so much?
I researched on the internet and found a lot of opinions.
For instance,
"I know her voice is a mechanical voice, but important thing is that whether or not to sing my song. Regardless the song is a parody or an amateur quality, she sings whatever I want. I prefer a vocaloido who sings every song I want to real good singer who never sing my song"
As for a live performance, someone said "there are real player, real audience and then, Hatsune Miku becomes substance. It's same as religion."
The other opinions which I found on the internet were described in the key word of "Connectivity"
"like Google's CM, I think Hatsune Miku is not just a player or voice synthesis system. I think she is kind of a realization of a passion by creators and fans who love Miku all over the world. The Crypton company gave her the body and voice first. Then some creators who respond it gave her their original songs and draw other version of her body. Then, people who respond these songs dance and sing and uploaded it on the web. Then ,,, it's like a chain connectivity which is never end and Miku made this start line for this world. Then Miku have grown with them."
I think the "Connectivity feeling" was the big reason who she was accepted all over the world.
With these in mind, I think Miku is much familiar than Japanese typical idol group, such as AKB48, who are so popular among young people.
Furthermore, idol means just a virtual icon in the first place. As for Wikipedia, idol is the statue of God or Buddha which is made by material like wood, stone, soil and metal and it become objects of their worship.
Looking at Miku in this way, I believe she is considered as a true idol and AKB48 is only a virtual idol in which humans play a role instead of the statue made by material.
In conclusion, I expect that Miku movement will expand all over the word like Christian religion.
Written in Jan 31th
Reference URL
Google Chrome CM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGt25mv4-2Q&list=FLwbwGUZLfPNRwVQYCXGaeNQ&index=2&feature=plpp_videoHatune Miku Concert
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