I read the crazy article about the attractiveness of women of different races which was published by Satoshi Kanazawa.
He is phD based in the UK. He concluded in this article that black women were less attractive than other races such as white or Asian women.
The original article was posted on the psychology today website, although it has now been removed due to the controversy.
However, before it was deleted, many people copies and reposted it on various other website.
He says "The only thing I can think of that might potentially explain the lower average level of physical attractiveness among black women is testosterone. Africans on average have higher levels of testosterone than other races. woman with higher levels of testosterone have more masculine features and are therefore less attractive."
I think the freedom of speech should be protected in our life, but this article is unacceptable.
That is because it doesn't have enough investigation and it could lead to the racial discrimination problem.
So, what's the standard of beauty?
In the U.S, there are a lot of kinds of races and it is not uncommon that people marry with other races. We can see a lot of people that are half or quarter. That means there are a lot of standard of beauty. So, they seem to accept any type of faces.
However, they could take care of their body shape compared to their face.
In plastic surgery world, Japanese and Korean focus on their face but, American woman prefer changing their body like a breast implant or removing wrinkled.
Winner of the beauty pageants are mainly white. That is because The U.S society is designed for white as mainstream. However, some guys like Asian women and recently Latinas are getting popular like Jennifer Lopez.
I think that American woman should have their own style in their fashion and cosmetic and should live with confidence. It's my image of American beauty standard. Additionally, keep exercising to prevent being fat.

I personally like Asian actress like Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li because,
they are infinitely familiar to me as same Asian people.
Also, it could work the law of the preservation of the species.
It's the same feeling as that even your dog is really cute, you never think that I want to marry to him and make a family. Same group basically seek their partner in same group.
In Japan, the beauty standard is changing recently among young people.
They prefer a good style to a face. Many actresses have really nice proportion and small face. Also cosmetic skill and products are improving. So even if you don't have a cute face, you can modify as you like.(Sorry,,)
In conclusion, I think that each races should have their own beauty standard and these can make people appreciate each other. It's ridiculous to rank them and to decide which is the best.
Women can enjoy to select your own fashion and make up based on your
race, age and body style. Then they can live with confidence.
Written on May 25 and revised on Dec 06
I really agree you.
I hope the world that people think a hairy person is most attractive!!!
Because I am. Hahahaha.
>Naomi-san Thnk you for reading and given me a comment. You don't need to get more attractive. I think you have already enough attractiveness.
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